Curriculum Vitae
Peer-reviewed publications are listed below:
1. Golebie, E. J., van Riper, C. J., Hitzroth, G., & Joffe-Nelson, N. (in press). Confronting the “knowledge-action gap” in invasive species prevention: A study of biosecurity behaviors among aquarium hobbyists in Illinois, USA. Water Biology and Security, 100337.
2. Gong, M., Teller, N., Golebie, E.J., Aczel, M., Jiang, Z., van Zeghbroeck, J., Liu, J. (2024). Unveiling complementarities between mangrove restoration and global sustainable development goals. Journal of Cleaner Production.
3. Golebie, E.J., C.J. van Riper, D.N. Johnson, K. Lindberg, N. Joffe-Nelson, S. Shin, R. Stedman, L.M. Hunt, C. Suski. (2024) Hybrid choice modeling offers an interdisciplinary perspective on angler preferences for the future. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences ,81 (10), 1329-1343.
4. Moore, A., D. Ford, E. Golebie, N. Joffe-Nelson, G. Hitzroth, A. Huegelmann, S. King, J.A. Stein, C.J. van Riper. (2024) Social and ecological drivers of behavior that prevent aquatic invasive species transport. Biological Invasions.
5. Golebie, E.J., C.J. van Riper, G. Hitzroth, A. Huegelmann, N. Joffe-Nelson. (2023). Barriers to participation in aquatic invasive species prevention among recreational water users. Biological Invasions 25, 2549–2565.
6. Joffe-Nelson, N., C.J. van Riper, E. Golebie, D.N. Johnson, M. Eriksson, C. Suski, R. Stedman, L.M. Hunt. (2023). Angler preferences for management of aquatic invasive species in the US and Canada: A stated choice experiment. Journal of Great Lakes Research.
7. Perrin-Stowe, T.I.N., M. Horner, J.J. Coon, L.R. Lynch, A. de Flamingh, N.B. Alexander, E. Golebie, T.M. Swartz, A.C. Bader, S.J. Halsey. (2023). “Where do I even start?” Recommendations for faculty diversifying syllabi in the life and environmental sciences. Ecology & Evolution, 13(1), 1-15.
8. Golebie, E.J., C.J. van Riper. (2022). Enhancing aquatic invasive species outreach through values-framed messages. Environmental Communication.
9. Golebie, E.J., C.J. van Riper, R. Arlinghaus, M. Gaddy, S. Jang, S. Kochalski, Y. Lu, J. Olden, R. Stedman, and C. Suski. (2022). A systematic review of message frames adopted in non-native aquatic species literature. NeoBiota, 74, 1-28. [Link]
10. Golebie, E.J., M. Aczel, J. Bukowski, S. Chau, N. Ramirez-Bullon, M. Gong, and N. Teller. (2022). A qualitative systematic review of governance principles for mangrove conservation. Conservation Biology, 36(1):e13850. [Link]
11. Golebie, E.J., C.J. van Riper, C. Suski, and R. Stedman. (2021). Reducing invasive species transport among recreational anglers: the importance of values and risk perceptions. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 41(6), 1812-1825. [Link]
12. Golebie, EJ., Miller, CA., Czesny, SJ. (2020). Heterogeneity of salmonid anglers in the southern Lake Michigan fishery. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 25(2):171-186. [Link]
13. Van Riper, C., Winkler-Schor, S., Stamberger, L., Keller, R., Braito, M., Raymond, C., Eriksson, M., Golebie, E., Johnson, D. (2019). Integrating multi-scale values and pro-environmental behavior in a protected area. Sustainability Science, 14(5):1395-1408. [Link]
14. van Riper, C. J., Browning, M. H., Becker, D., Stewart, W., Suski, C. D., Browning, L., & Golebie, E. (2019). Human-Nature Relationships and Normative Beliefs Influence Behaviors that Reduce the Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species. Environmental management, 63(1), 69-79. [Link]
15. Ziegler JP, Golebie EJ, Jones SE, Weidel BC, Solomon CT. (2017). Lakeshore development determines stocking and economic outcomes in inland recreational fisheries. Ecological Applications. 27(1): 56-65. [Link]