Invasive species communication
Communication with stakeholders
A variety of strategies have been used in outreach campaigns to encourage individuals to prevent the spread of invasive species. However, barriers still remain, leading many recreational water users (RWU) to continue inadvertantly spreading invasive species. In collaboration with Illinois-Indiana SeaGrant, we are conducting focus groups and surveys of RWU to understand their experience with invasive species and preventative behavior. Ultimately, we will develop outreach messages that enable RWU to confront barriers and participate in invasive species prevention.
Communication in the academic literature
Within the invasion biology literature, there have been many debates and conversations regarding consistency in terminology and the use of figurative language. To fully understand these issues, I conducted a systematic literature review that characterized the language used in academic writing on invasive species. I am exploring patterns in language use across different disciplines and specific areas of study. As a follow-up to this project, we are conducting a survey of the authors of these articles to understand their beliefs and preferences regarding science communication.
Golebie, E.J., C.J. van Riper. (in review). Enhancing aquatic invasive species outreach through values-framed messages. Environmental Communication.
Golebie, E.J., C.J. van Riper, R. Arlinghaus, M. Gaddy, S. Jang, S. Kochalski, Y. Lu, J. Olden, R. Stedman, and C. Suski. (2022). A systematic review of message frames adopted in non-native aquatic species literature. NeoBiota, 74, 1-28.