Trends in mangrove governance
As an interdisciplinary team, we are analyzing mangrove conservation on a global scale. Specifically, we are characterizing dynamics of governance principles across top-down, bottom-up, and co-managed systems to better understand broad trends in conservation and inform future management approaches. Our collaboration is sponsored by the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC).

Golebie, E.J., M. Aczel, J. Bukowski, S. Chau, N. Ramirez-Bullon, M. Gong, N. Teller. (2022). A systematic review of mangrove governance and conservation. Conservation Biology, 36(1):e13850.
Ramirez-Bullon, N., M. Aczel, J. Bukoski, S. Chau, E. Golebie, M. Gong, N. Teller. (in prep). Public engagement with biodiversity is associated with improved mangrove conservation.